POST by Anonymous Author,
SUE WILLIAMS (first published last fall, at
I've often needed help seeing the hidden images in Magic Eye art. "Relax your sight," my friends used to say. I could best do this when they pointed out the edge of an image, or told me what it was -- but it was more fulfilling when I'd see the secret picture appear on my own.
Much of what we do as writers relies on a kind of Magic Eye. It's possible to work intuitively, not understanding the depth of the connections and symbols we weave into a piece of our work. An editor, particularly one who knows us well, can sometimes see more deeply into what we've written. When we feel they're right, the pattern rises to the surface.
A recent critique session with my writing group confirmed this. I received comments like, "Sue, you've already shown us this. Why are you now trying to tell us?" And when I look back at my story, along with their suggested edits, good God, they're right! The story is more enjoyable if the reader can view it freely, and, by allowing their vision to relax, see the truth leap out. The readers own the story. They don't just read it, they interpret it.
I also argue the Magic Eye relates to our state-of-mind while we're creating. The more relaxed and "in the flow" we are, the more active our intuition; this subconscious web of connections and symbols can rise to the surface easily, adding depth and hidden meaning beyond our full awareness.
Maybe if we lived our lives with a more relaxed vision our whole world would be richer, new images springing out. In fact sometimes, during this autumn month, when I gaze at the fall leaves, I feel like there's something behind them... seasons change, stories arrive.